Thursday, January 19, 2012

Right vs Wrong

Doing the right thing seems like an easy thing right? Well for some people it is definitely not a priority for them. I just don't see how people can do wrong towards others and feel good about themselves, or sleep at night. How can knowing you are causing someone major stress and anxiety make you feel okay about yourself? I would feel horrible because I am a good person. Some people just need to grow up. Realize that there are other people in this world besides yourself.

Friday, January 13, 2012


There are good and bad people in this world, all around us, everyday. Some people come into our lives and stay a long time. Some people come into our lives and quickly go, whatever that reason may be. I believe that everything happens for a reason. We may not know what that reason is, but there is one. People are complex and there are just some things I can't figure out. Why people act a certain way, when you knew them differently. I have struggled over the years to figure it all out, but I am now realizing that you can't. Now at this point in my life, I have learned over the years, that now and from now on, I will not allow people to be a part of my life who don't deserve it.

Everyone should surround themselves with positive people. Nobody needs negativity in their lives. Even me with having to deal with pain on a daily basis, don't want to be surrounded by negativity bc I smile, I laugh and I try to enjoy life regardless of the pain I'm dealing with.

As far as making sure the people in your life are good and not a bad influence or causing you stress that you don't need.. This can be anyone.. Your friends, your family,etc...

So here's to getting rid of the bad and keeping the good.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friendship Poem By Jana Kreindel

By Jana Kreindel

Surely everyone knows what friendship is.
It is the laughter that fills your heart.
It is the “Best” in “Best Friends.”
It is what keeps you going even when you’re down; the smiles that spread across your face to wipe out that frown.
Friendship is being able to call that one person when you have a problem and knowing they will be there to support you and listen to you.
It is the feeling of joy when you spend time with them, the feeling of comfort when they offer a shoulder to cry on, and the feeling of happiness all around.
Friendship is an advice column.
Friendship is a three point shot, which wins the game.
It’s a necessity for a happy life.
It’s the frosting on the cake and the peas in the pods.
Friendship is taking pictures to hold on to the dear memories that you create daily to remember upon when you grow old together.

First Official Blog Posting

Well here I am making my first blog posting. I never thought I would be a blogger but I think this will be a good thing for me.

I have so much I can talk about I'm not sure where to start. Writing is a good way to express how you are feeling about certain things so I think this will be very healthy.

I'm not sure how many people will actually read anything I write but if anyone does I would love feedback bc I might discuss something that I want advice on or other people's points of views. If nobody reads it that's fine too, it will be basically my online journal then.

I probably won't write too much at a time for each posting bc I don't want to bore anyone and when I do write a lot its probably because I have a lot on my mind and want to get it all out there.

That's all for now.. I will be back very soon to post again!