Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friendship Poem By Jana Kreindel

By Jana Kreindel

Surely everyone knows what friendship is.
It is the laughter that fills your heart.
It is the “Best” in “Best Friends.”
It is what keeps you going even when you’re down; the smiles that spread across your face to wipe out that frown.
Friendship is being able to call that one person when you have a problem and knowing they will be there to support you and listen to you.
It is the feeling of joy when you spend time with them, the feeling of comfort when they offer a shoulder to cry on, and the feeling of happiness all around.
Friendship is an advice column.
Friendship is a three point shot, which wins the game.
It’s a necessity for a happy life.
It’s the frosting on the cake and the peas in the pods.
Friendship is taking pictures to hold on to the dear memories that you create daily to remember upon when you grow old together.

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