Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Pain sucks. It really really sucks. I have tried so many things to deal with pain and relieve pain. I have tried pain pills, pain patches, physical therapy, acupuncture, heating pad, ice, and hot tub. Some stuff helps but causes other problems and some stuff doesn't help at all.

Being in pain all the time is very tolling on a person. It makes me feel depressed bc most of the time I am unable to do much at all. I wish I could just feel better.

It is so hard to deal with other people in regards to my pain since apparently some people think I am faking it. To those people whom I have come across, you will have no idea how much pain I am in on a daily basis or what I have to go through until you have been in my shoes or have had a similar experience yourself.

Dealing with all the health issues that I have to deal with causes me to feel worthless because I can't work.
I can't work for the following reasons, my health issues make it hard to stand up for more than 30 seconds, sit for more than 30 minutes, and I am stuck in bed most of the time due to pain and or side effects from medicines that I am on.

I have worked in the past and I have been fired from jobs for being sick, not being able to come in to work due to being stuck in bed in excruciating pain, and being in the hospital.

I just wish people had more compassion and understanding of what I am going through. I have come across some who understand and even if they don't they have the compassion of wanting to understand and are there for me whether it be family or friends. On the other hand I have come across people who think I am lazy? Or whatever they may have said, but that is definitely not the case.

My hope for the future is that I can find something that works for me to help the pain I have so that my life can improve for the better. To this day, I have still not found that one thing. It's hard to do because I am trying to manage 5 different health issues. While one might be under control for example while I have gone to physical therapy usually...I say usually migraines get reduced to just daily headaches, sometimes those migraines still pop up. Once I stop physical therapy, muscles tighten up again and migraines come flooding back in. It's proven in the past to just be a bandaid, since I have fibromyalgia this is always going to happen, pain in all my muscles in the body. There is no cure for it and the doctors don't fully understand it either.

Please comment on this I would like to hear suggestions if anyone has tried something that works for them. Thanks for reading.

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