Sunday, February 26, 2012


Not a lot of people can understand how it is to live on a day to day basis with fibromyalgia. I have come in contact with a LOT of people who have NO clue what I am going through. Fibromyalgia is a very debilitating condition that affects 5 million Americans and of those 90% are women. People with Fibro are 3-4 x more likely to suffer from depression as well. People suffering from Fibromyalgia generally have other health conditions as well.

If you have a number of health issues like I do, it makes it hard to enjoy life or even be comfortable on a day to day basis. Being in constant pain is no picnic. Generally any medicine you can take for pain will also cause you to be sleepy, not making it easy to get stuff done.

I want people to be more aware of this condition and have some compassion for people who do have it because we need the support.

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